Creative Support
Creative Support has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to investing in our employees and the wider health and social care sector through high-quality learning and professional development opportunities. As a leading provider of prevention and care services with over 30 years of experience, we understand the importance of equipping staff with the knowledge, skills and tools needed to provide dignified, compassionate care. Through our Creative Academy, the dedicated learning and development department, we offer a range of training programs aligned to nationally recognised frameworks. Courses cover essential topics across all roles, ensuring staff can reach their full potential and deliver person-centred, empowering support. We continue to be an proud Investors in People GOLD accredited learning provider.
This provider offers courses in: Accredited qualifications, Well being, Support for registered managers, Sensory loss, Learning disabilities, Mental health, Long term conditions, Substance dependency, Assisting and moving, Autism, Care Certificate, Health and safety, Infection and control, Dementia, Medication, Mental Capacity Act, Safeguarding, End of Life Care, Other, Understanding performance management - ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ CPD Module, Understanding self-management skills - ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ CPD Module, Understanding workplace culture - ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ CPD Module, Coronavirus (Covid-19), Healthcare tasks (sometimes referred to as Clinical skills), Supervision
Region: East Midlands, London, North East, North West, South East, West Midlands, Yorkshire and the Humber
Level of endorsement: Endorsed
Telephone: 0161 238 7664